A construction and real estate template must be reliable. Constitutes is just what you’re looking for since it meets all the criteria for an engineering and architectural business. The slider at the top of a website grabs attention, various movement effects make it more current, and counters boost users’ confidence levels. There are several sorts of galleries, allowing you to present your work to customers in the most effective manner. Blog feature will be particularly beneficial for describing your current projects, disseminating the most recent news from the building and architectural industries, and boosting your SEO.
July 28, 2023:
- Changed sample data in the constitutes_customizer_export.dat, constitutes_widgets_settings.wie, constitutes_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
- Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout and improve code and removed the some unnecessary CSS code
- Update WordPress Version and Plugins
- Update Revolution Slider Plugin