NeoJB – Modern Job Board WordPress Elementor Theme

NeoJB - Modern Job Board WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 1

Neo Job Board is crafted with a thorough understanding of the business to connect employers and candidates. The theme is easy to use and customize even if you’re a beginner with WordPress – it’s also friendly to users and seekers. It will be suitable for you to show professional job board websites that require highly advanced features & powerful functions to provide useful services for users.

Don’t want to get started from scratch? No worry, this theme comes with the 1-click-demo-import function – that will help you configure & import everything in just 1 single click. Your site then will be ready in just a few minutes… and you can start to personalize your business right away. This will save you a lot of time, or maybe give you some ideas for your business.


+ Translation strings hidden issue fixed
+ Fixed stored Cross-Site Scripting via the RevSlider’s Add Layer widget vulnerability
+ Fixed mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases
+ Fixed image missing in media library issue
+ Removed curtain fade transition
+ Gradient Backgrounds on SVG’s drawn Transparent since the latest updates
+ Disabling the Parallax Effect on Mobile has no Effect
+ Swipe on MacOs swaps multiple slides if the swipe is thrown on a longer distance
+ Image Layers with auto width and auto height drawn stretched
+ Updated WooCommerce template files
+ Fixed the slider’s arbitrary file upload issue
+ Language pack updated
+ Fixed the theme text domain conflicted issue
+ Improved responsiveness of the whole site
+ Sample content updated
+ WooCommerce template files updated
+ Fixed PHP8 undefined variables warning issue
+ Fixed Fullscreen carousel with padding overflows the module
+ Fixed Security vulnerability associated with unserializing objects from the ‘custom_animations.txt’ file.
+ Fixed Youtube video does not play from action on iOS due to bug in iOS audio permissions
+ Fixed Vertical carousel does not align correctly if module height is bigger than the viewport
+ Nested Group Layer – Text Layer not displaying correctly
+ Updated WooCommerce template files
+ Updated sample content
+ Element now will not load JS files needed for Slider Revolution Widgets while Slider does not include
+ Fixed keyframe does not work if it is placed near the animation
+ Fixed Ajax error due to downloading template fails
+ Fixed Mega Menu auto expand in mobile devices issue
+ Fixed keyboard navigation in the Navbar component
+ Fixed parallax component responsiveness on resizing the scroll container
+ Icon position bottom option added in advanced icon box widget
+ Item box shadow option added in custom gallery widget
+ Alignment issue fixed in social share widget
+ Lazy loading compatibility fixed
+ Slide image cover not working issue fixed in Slider widget
+ Responsiveness improved
+ Sample content updated
+ New Elementor Widgets added
+ Fixed missing font issue
+ Woocommerce 7.4 compatible update
+ Fixed depreciated functions
+ Updated Shop & Cart page stylings
+ Fixed Mobile menu slug missing issue
+ Sample content updated
+ Fixed product_type was called incorrectly issue
+ Fixed Advanced Transition fails if the HTML5 video is from a third-party domain
+ Fixed Carousel scaling is wrong in certain PHP environment settings
+ Fixed Box shadow does not render full opacity
+ WooCommerce template files updated
+ Fixed Auto-mapper deprecation notice
+ Fixed Stretched row in WordPress default themes
+ Fixed Post grid
+ Plugins updated
+ Fix jQuery deprecated functions
+ PHP7.4 compatible
+ WordPress 5.8+ compatible
+ Woocommerce template files updated
+ Plugins updated
+ Sidebar layout minor issue fixed
+ Added new icon library
+ Fixed Dropdown menu
+ SmoothScrool issue fixed
+ Release

About Brickthemes

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